Spain Records 16 % Increase in Charging Points

The charging infrastructure, one of the main difficulties encountered by massification on a global scale, is experiencing significant growth.

In Spain, the Business Association for the Development and Promotion of Electric Mobility (Aedive) reported that the number of operational charging points at the end of June was 25,106, showing an increase of 16.4% over the 2022 data (a total of 21,573) reported in the Electric Mobility Yearbook 2022-2023.

The figures were compiled by Aedive in collaboration with the ecosystem of charging operators and mobility service companies, in order to obtain accurate and up-to-date data.

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In addition to the growth outlined above, the Association estimates some 6,800 recharging points pending commissioning (in the pipeline according to regulatory requirements), down 8% from the 7,400 points pending at the end of last year.

The aforementioned decrease is a positive figure, but with room for improvement since agility in processing and commissioning is identified as one of the still persistent barriers to market development.

“Taking into account both operational points and those pending commissioning, a growth rate of around one thousand public charging points per month has been noted in these first six months of 2023, a rate that, however, will have to be accelerated in order to meet Spain’s objectives in the field of electric mobility,” Aedive points out in a press release.

In terms of utilization, the association observed an estimated average use of 5.7%, 1.5 points higher than the 4.2% reported in the 2022 yearbook, although variability was recorded depending on locations and powers.

For the trade, this is still a low figure, since it assumes an average use of little more than one hour per day.

So far, the main vehicle load is that found in homes or workplaces, which shows that there are still shortcomings in stations located on roads and highways.