Change of Leadership at AVEC Chile: Rodrigo Salcedo Assumes Presidency to Drive the Future of Electric Mobility

The Latam Mobility Summit Conosur Chile 2023 was a meeting that brought together experts in electric mobility, but also served as a platform for the announcement of a major leadership change at the Chilean Electric Vehicle Association (AVEC).

During Day 1, Andrés Barentin handed over the presidency of AVEC to Rodrigo Salcedo, opening new paths for the evolution of electromobility in Chile.

In his speech, Barentin expressed his gratitude towards the organization and the participants, underlining the transcendence of the adventure that has been the evolution of AVEC since its inception.

He recalled how the association arose from the need to obtain information about electric vehicles in a project that began to take shape in Chile around 2015. Since then, it has worked tirelessly to promote electromobility and sustainable mobility in the country.

A key point in her words was the mention of the growing presence of women in the electric mobility industry. AVEC has managed to have three highly specialized female directors, demonstrating a commitment to gender diversity in a field where there has historically been a lack of female representation.

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Thus, the transition of the presidency to Rodrigo Salcedo was greeted with optimism, who, with his experience in industrial electromobility, promised to carry AVEC’s vision forward and continue to strengthen sustainable mobility in Chile.

He highlighted the importance of the participation of women in key roles and the wealth of knowledge they bring. In addition, he emphasized that AVEC plans to focus on key issues such as charging infrastructure, education and promotion of sustainable mobility in the country.

In that sense, one of the notable projects mentioned by Rodrigo Salcedo is the Electric Route, contributing to the reach and impact of electric mobility in the region.

Also mentioned was the collaboration with other trade associations and the focus on energy and storage as key components of sustainable mobility. Thus, the change of leadership at AVEC will mark a new chapter in the advancement of electric mobility in Chile and throughout the region.