BBVA Launches Tool to Promote Sustainable Mobility in Spain

BBVA has a comparator that simplifies the choice between an electric vehicle and a fossil fuel vehicle, thus facilitating the purchase decision and promoting sustainable mobility in Spain, currently available in Madrid and Barcelona.

However, the solution goes further by providing comprehensive support, not limited only to financial aspects. The new tool provides information to the customer with the aim of assisting them in the transition to electrified mobility.

The new functionality begins by offering a comparison of the costs associated with a gasoline-powered car versus an electric vehicle, including a detailed breakdown of consumption, taxes, maintenance and other additional expenses.

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BBVA: Promoting Sustainable Mobility with Facts

After the price comparison, the advantages of choosing an ECO vehicle are detailed, providing information on tax deductions, aid and subsidies from the Moves III plan.

This information is presented in a differentiated way depending on whether the vehicle is a plug-in hybrid or fully electric, and the customer even has the option of entering their address, generating a map with available charging points in the surrounding area.

In addition, the solution also provides details on the regions that have Low Emission Zones (LEZ) or VAO lanes where these vehicles can circulate.

From this point, the customer has access to a catalog of models provided by various official dealers in the area participating in this initiative. A distinction is made between vehicles currently available in stock and those that can be ordered.

In this search engine, the user has the ability to apply filters according to certain parameters, such as vehicle type (plug-in hybrid or fully electric), brand and price range.

When browsing the file of the vehicle of interest, additional details and technical specifications, such as power, autonomy and consumption, can be accessed. In addition, information on the estimated delivery time is provided.

The user also has the possibility to review the standard equipment and make adjustments, such as selecting the version, engine or even the color. In this same file, the price established by the official dealer and the resulting installment in case of opting for financing, with the option to customize the terms, are presented.

Finally, at this point the customer can obtain information on monthly savings, specific amount of subsidies and the value of their current vehicle in order to have sufficient arguments for the final decision.