Renfe Trains Produce 20 to 30 Times Less Carbon Emissions Than Cars or Planes

Renfe is leading the transition towards environmental sustainability, revealing that all its electric trains are certified as carbon neutral, resulting in a significantly lower environmental impact compared to other modes of transport.

In this regard, the carbon footprint of both passenger and freight trains is 20 to 30 times lower than the emissions generated by cars or planes.

Thus, the daily operation of all the company’s trains prevents the emission of 4.7 million tons of CO2 annually, achieving energy savings equivalent to approximately 1.3 million tons of oil.

(Credit: Renfe)

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Renfe’s Goal

Renfe has set the goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050. Additionally, it participates in the European initiative aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by at least 55% by 2030, a target it has managed to meet ahead of schedule.

To achieve this, Renfe has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, approved by the United Nations in 2015, into its business strategy, consolidating the train as the most energy-efficient and CO2-efficient mode of passenger and freight transport.

(Credit: Renfe)

In this way, Renfe is fully committed to sustainability, working to improve the efficiency of its services and to become the backbone of a more sustainable logistics chain and mobility system.