Copec Voltex and Chile’s Ministry of Energy Inaugurate First Fast Charger in Osorno

Copec Voltex and the Chilean Ministry of Energy inaugurated the first public access fast charger for electric vehicles in the city of Osorno.

During the activity, the available charging point was reviewed and background information on its implementation and operation was provided.

The Undersecretary of Energy, Luis Felipe Ramos, highlighted that the presentation of the charger together with the “+Electric Transport” initiative, allows the promotion of electromobility in minor public transport in the region.

Ramos stressed the importance of the +Transporte Eléctrico program, which is an open competition: “We hope to add new electric vehicles to be incorporated into the taxi-collective service in the region”.

Lee también: Enel X Chile and Hyundai Trucks & Buses Announce Partnership with a Range of Cargo Solutions

Life Quality

The Mayor of Osorno, Emeterio Carrillo, explained that this is a public electric charger that is at the service of the community and all those who have acquired an electric vehicle.

“It is an important advance, since Osorno has high pollution indexes and any advance we have in that aspect will always be relevant for our commune”, he emphasized.

Meanwhile, the Seremi of Energy of Los Lagos, Liliana Alarcón, stressed that they will continue to support the challenge of moving towards a zero-emission public transport.

“Progress has been made in Osorno, Puerto Montt and Castro with these fast chargers for electric vehicles, with a cost that fluctuates between 12 and 14 thousand pesos, for an autonomy of 300/400 kilometers“, she said.

According to an official statement from the Chilean Ministry of Energy, the +Carga Rápida project is being carried out thanks to German development cooperation, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), with funds from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Copex Voltex

Latam Mobility in Chile

In August, Latam Mobility, the largest sustainable mobility community in Latin America, will once again arrive in Santiago de Chile for its 2024 meeting.

It will be two days that will bring together the most prominent industry leaders, along with public sector personalities, to offer their perspectives on advances in low-emission mobility, electromobility and sustainability.

More information about the meeting and participation here.