Mexico: Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Hermosillo Begins

The President of the Patronato del Centro de Hermosillo, Mexico, Carlos Roberto Faz Gutiérrez, informed that in mid-August the region will take a significant step towards sustainable mobility with the installation of electric vehicle chargers in its downtown commercial area.

According to a report in the local media “El Diario”, the first stage of the project contemplates the installation of two electric vehicle charging stations. One will be located in Jardín Juárez, at the intersection of Colosio and Juárez streets, and the other in the area of the Municipal Market.

The investment for each amounts to approximately 280,000 pesos. “We will cover part of the cost and the municipal government will support us with the rest,” detailed Faz Gutiérrez.

You may also read: BYD and VEMO Inaugurate Charging Station to Strengthen Electromobility Ecosystem in Mexico

The President of the Patronato del Centro emphasized that, depending on the results of this first phase, the possibility of allocating more resources from the parking meters for the installation of more chargers in other points of the city’s downtown area will be evaluated on a yearly basis.

The local authority believes that these stations will not only attract new customers, but will also contribute to downtown security.

“With all the patrols operating with electric power, we will be able to have a more effective surveillance in this area,” concluded Faz Gutiérrez.


Latam Mobility en México

Luego de un exitoso inicio de año en Monterrey, Latam Mobility, la comunidad de movilidad sostenible más grande de América Latina, cierra 2024 en Ciudad de México.

Serán dos jornadas, los días 15 y 16 de octubre, donde líderes de la industria y representantes del sector privado brindarán perspectivas sobre movilidad, electromovilidad, sostenibilidad entre otros.

El encuentro se llevará a cabo en el World Trade Center de la capital mexicana. Para información sobre participación clic aquí.