Latam Mobility

Latam Mobility is the Latin American community for sustainable mobility. Thanks to the effort and support of the main public and private entities in the region, we have managed to promote the transformation of our urban reality and consolidate a network that has more than 150 allies and thousands of executives are part of.

We have embarked on an innovative path towards the new era of sustainability in transport and we want the main organizations at the local, regional and international level, and all those who wish to generate a significant impact on society to join this initiative.

We are part of the main networking and value generation network in Latin America, Invest in Latam, which includes such relevant initiatives as Latam Future Energy in the field of energy transformation and Latam Green in the field of sustainability.

we are sustainability

Main Contacts

Strategic Advisors

Latam Mobility has the following Ad-Honorem Strategic Advisors

Alvaro Villasante
Innovation VP / Grupo Energía Bogotá
Francisco Cabeza
Director AMIVE
Guillaume Fouché
Business Director LATAM / BloombergNEF
Jon Asin
Co-founder & CEO / BeePlanet Factory S.L.
Lada Strelnikova
Lead Investment Manager / European Energy Efficiency Fund
Juan Moran
Global Customer / Director DHL
Jorge Suárez
E-mobility Specialist / Advisor Latam Mobility
Jaime Ruiz Huescar
Co-founder / Cities Forum
Marcos Ordenes
Head of Agencies SpLatam, Waze / Google
Juan Carlos Meade
Director of Strategic Partnerships - Secretaría de Igualdad e Inclusión

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Participate in our next transport meetings and mobility forums. Receive the main news of the sector by subscribing to our newsletter.