ABVE conducts debate on electric vehicle safety in Brazil

The Brazilian Association of Electric Vehicles (ABVE) attended a public hearing at the Senate last June, focusing on the operational safety of electric vehicle charging in garages.

There, Clemente Gauer, director of infrastructure and coordinator of ABVE’s safety group, presented statistics from various international sources.

With this data, he demonstrated that there is no evidence indicating a correlation between the recharging process and the occurrence of fires in electric vehicles.

He also showed that the probability of fire in electric vehicles can be up to 61 times lower than that of an equivalent combustion vehicle.

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Electric Mobility in Brazil: Certifications

ABVE advocates for stricter certification criteria for charging stations, batteries, and electric vehicles, as a way to provide greater safety to the market, aligning with standards established by Inmetro and ABNT.

In this regard, Clemente Gauer also emphasized that ABVE maintains ongoing dialogue with the São Paulo Fire Department and entities in the real estate and construction sectors.

The goal of this dialogue is to agree on the most viable criteria to prevent accidents with electric vehicles in garages, especially underground ones.

On another note, it’s worth noting that in April, the São Paulo Fire Department issued an ordinance containing several proposals to regulate charging operations in residential building garages, a measure that sparked widespread debate in the electromobility, real estate, and civil construction sectors.

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