Brazil Employs Portugal’s Expertise in Developing Roads Under Sustainable Technology

In 2023, the large-scale operation of the free flow automatic toll system was implemented on Brazilian roads using sustainable technology derived from Portugal, specifically by the concessionaire Brisa Autoestradas from its control center near Lisbon.

In this regard, under a new model developed by the Ministry of Transport, the free flow technology is expected to be implemented in road concession projects during the first five years of management by the auction-winning company.

Initially, this technology was in a testing phase on the Rio-Santos highway and on the BR-101, both operated by the concessionaire CCR.

Related content: Sustainable mobility in Brazil: “Railway projects require state assistance to progress”

Brazil and the Sustainability

According to George Santoro, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, the systematic implementation of technology is one of the Federal Government’s innovations aimed at improving the flow of Brazilian roads.

This seeks to integrate infrastructure investment with neo-industrialization and ecological transition processes, combining technological advances with sustainability criteria. Santoro highlighted the strategic importance of this issue in planning the country’s future development.

Knowing this, the advantages of the system are:

  • Automatic and electronic identification of vehicles through points with sensors – radio frequency or cameras
  • Effective charging per kilometer traveled and facilitation of discounts on toll rates
  • Reduction in travel time
  • Decarbonization of polluting gases, as vehicles slow down and brake less

Latam Mobility & Net Zero Brasil 2024

Latam Mobility & Net Zero Brasil 2024 is set to convene Latin America’s sustainable mobility trailblazers in one dynamic forum. Our mission? To spotlight the latest strides in electric vehicles, chart the sector’s future course, delve into charging infrastructure, showcase cutting-edge tech innovations, and much more.

Mark your calendar for July 1st to 2nd, when Villa Blue Tree in Sao Paulo, Brazil, becomes the nexus for this event. With a firm commitment to bolstering sustainable mobility across Latin America, our platform aims to forge a robust network of electrified vehicles throughout the region.

Ready to join the movement? Click here to secure your spot.

For further details on participation and strategic positioning opportunities, feel free to reach out to us at

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