Cicloway, DriverLab, EVolution Mobility, Ifood and Mercado Libre Commit to a Sustainable Transition in Fleet Management

Fleet management and rental, combined with infrastructure, technology and sustainability was one of the key topics discussed at the “Latam Mobility: Brazil 2024” panel with representatives from prestigious companies.

Lucas Zanon Arantes, CEO of EVolution Mobility, highlighted the innovative electric mobility solutions they provide to companies.

He detailed that they are part of “Pátria”, an alternative investment platform in Latin America with several affiliated companies.

“We develop the complete solution, we deliver not only a diagnostic process, but also consulting to show what is the potential for electrification of the fleet adapted to each operation and, of course, to find the positive TCO,” he explained.

 He pointed out that the objective is to develop the projects by finding the economic feasibility, a fundamental aspect to have scale in the transition process to electromobility.

Cicloway Solutions

João Guilherme Zurita Hannud, Cicloway’s CEO, explained that they work with electric vehicle rental with great experience in the sector.

“Seven years ago we started working with other modalities, from scooters to bicycles to motorcycles and tricycles, so we have talked a lot about four wheels. I’ve touched on two-wheelers, and I’m also going to talk a little bit about three-wheelers, so I think it’s time to include them. We were practically pioneers,” he stressed.

He noted that they have pushed freight vehicles in the last-mile logistics delivery path. “We think a lot about traditional transportation, but we can solve things with different modes in other ways.”

“When it comes to mobility, whether it’s urban or in other cities that don’t have this feature, we have to look for the same behavior of knowing how to find the right solution,” he added.

Mobility with Applications

Fernando Pfeiffer, Director of Strategy at DriverLab – 99/Didi, highlighted that they operate on three main pillars in the Brazilian market today, which is basically mobility by app, a fintech and a delivery operation.

“We are the first unicorn in the Brazilian market, which in the last 10 years has had an impact of more than R$54 million in our GDP, and a company that is very in tune with the challenges and plurality of our market to really bring solutions that make the journey,” he said.

He assured that the app partner driver’s journey is easier and gives him greater possibilities to progress. “Driver Lab is nothing more than an innovation cell and what we do is make it easier for the app driver to acquire a motor vehicle to provide their service to reduce operational costs.”

Pfeiffer detailed that they have 1.5 million associated drivers serving 50 million Brazilians and more than 3,300 cities.

Emission-free Deliveries

André Borges, Sustainability Director at Ifood, assured that they are committed to decarbonization.

 “To increase the percentage of clean deliveries we have, we are advancing in this and we have a good base due to bicycles, electric bicycles and now we are entering electric motorcycles since a couple of years ago.”

He specified that currently, iFood has almost a thousand electric motorcycles already in operation. “We recently joined the alliance for sustainable mobility, which was a movement created by 99 two years ago, I think the big challenge here is how we establish an ecosystem.”

Mercado Libre’s Experience

Henrique Lacerda, Manager of Mobility and Fleet at Mercado Libre, emphasized that it has been a great challenge to achieve the paradigm shift in the sector for the transition to sustainable mobility.

“We have evolved a lot in transforming all of Latin America, and as part of this strategy, we have been trying to lead the way when it comes to delivering mainly first and last mile,” he said.

Lacerda detailed that in 2023 Mercado Libre closed the operation in Latin America with 2,300 electric vehicles. “Here in Brazil we are reaching 1,400 and we are going to end the year with 2,000 electric vehicles, leading this agenda and managing to build electromobility within the country.”

“We have an opportunity to build an ecosystem, both in Alliances and working with other companies, because our e-commerce ecosystem is growing a lot, so we are leaders, we are trying to lead this agenda and we need more people with us here”, he concluded.

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