Codelco Set Up the Largest Fleet of Electric Buses in the Mining Sector

The transition to sustainable mobility in the mining sector has become one of the great challenges to reduce carbon emissions. In Chile, the state and private companies are aware that changes must be accelerated, which is why they are carrying out large-scale projects.

Against this backdrop, the state-owned Codelco established goals such as reducing its carbon footprint by 70% by 2030, ensuring that its subway mining activities are 100% electrified, promoting the industrial development of hydrogen and working entirely with clean energy by 2026.

In this regard, the company presented a fleet of electric buses at the Colón Alto platform of the El Teniente Division. Through a press release, the organization detailed that these 155 vehicles, most of them manufactured in Rancagua, generate zero direct emissions and will transport workers from Chuquicamata, Andina and El Teniente.

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Codelco specified that 45 buses will transport workers at Chuquicamata, 103 vehicles at El Teniente and 7 at Andina, which represents 30% of the total fleet at the three divisions, making it the company with the largest electrified fleet in Chile.

In addition, the Salvador, Radomiro Tomic and Ventanas Divisions are currently in the bidding process, with a view to incorporating electric mobility in these operations.

Photo: Codelco

Key Alliances

In order to massify electric mobility, it is not only necessary to implement electric vehicles, but also to take into account the entire ecosystem, such as charging infrastructure.

In this regard, Codelco has sealed key partnerships such as those announced with Copec Voltex, one of the companies that will provide charging infrastructure with the installation of 100 charging points.

This was announced by the Manager of Copec Voltex, Francisco Larrondo, during the “Latam Mobility: Chile 2022“, a mobility meeting held in Santiago last August.

In addition, the state-owned company is working hand in hand with Reborn Electric Motors, a local manufacturer of electric vehicles that hopes to become the first company in South America dedicated entirely to the production of 100% electrified buses.