Colombia Evolves in the Strategic Transportation System

Colombia’s Minister of Transportation, William Camargo, highlighted during the governors’ summit the importance of working together with the Strategic Transportation System (SETP).

The strategy will seek to find common ground in the development of new infrastructure, the migration to clean transportation fleets and the strengthening of bicycle and river transportation initiatives.

This work is being done by updating programs such as Visión Colombia and the National Development Plan.

Progress in Montería

The minister highlighted the example of Montería, a city that has successfully implemented sustainable mobility alternatives within the SETP framework, becoming a reference for other regions of the country.

“I am delighted that this is happening in Monteria and that it is showing the world that other sustainable mobility alternatives are possible,” said Camargo.

SETP, which seeks to improve mobility in the country’s main cities, has become a key ally for the Ministry of Transportation in promoting sustainable mobility.

The National Association of Sustainable Mobility of Colombia (Andemos), published a report that breaks the trend of electric vehicle sales in the country.

After 18 months of decline, the market has experienced an important change in its behavior, with an increase in zero kilometer car registrations.

In the first four months of the year, vehicle registrations reached 55,882 units, and projections suggest a possible total volume of 185,600 units by 2024.