enerBit: Celsia’s 100% Digital Energy Company

During the Latam Mobility Colombia 2024 event held in Medellín, Gabriel Vizcaíno, Leader of enerBit, presented a proposal that is radically transforming the way we interact with energy.

enerBit, Celsia’s 100% digital energy company, is making strong strides in the industry by offering a service that combines years of experience with the most advanced technology available in the market.

Since its launch in 2022, enerBit has experienced considerable growth, reaching over 8,000 clients in just two years. With a presence in 12 cities in Colombia, including Cartagena, Bogotá, and Cali, it offers an energy service never seen before.

Gabriel Vizcaíno, EnerBit Leader

What makes enerBit unique?

The answer lies in its customer-centric approach and its use of technology to provide personalized and transparent service.

“A clear example of this is the case of Gloria, a client in Cartagena, whose energy consumption spiked without apparent explanation. Thanks to enerBit‘s technology, it was identified that the increase was due to her son hosting parties in her absence, allowing her to take measures to avoid future unexpected increases,” said Vizcaíno.

Gabriel Vizcaíno, enerBit Leader

Another notable case is that of Camilo, a client in Bogotá who purchased an electric vehicle without anticipating the impact on his energy bill. enerBit analyzed his consumption and discovered that the vehicle represented a significant increase in his energy demand, providing him with the necessary information to make informed decisions about its usage.

Thus, the company is leading the way towards more accessible and sustainable electric mobility in Colombia. With its new plan, customers who charge their electric vehicles after certain designated hours can enjoy dynamic rates that will allow them to save up to 20% on their supply costs.

Gabriel Vizcaíno, EnerBit Leader

Additionally, enerBit is committed to a 24/7 service availability through online chat, without paperwork or queues.

In this way, the company positions itself as a strategic ally for those looking to integrate electric mobility solutions into their lives, with the vision of flooding the country with electric vehicles and promoting a more sustainable future.

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