EvolvX: Detailed Report on Sustainable Mobility in Brazil

Latam Mobility Brazil 2024 brought together industry leaders, mobility experts, and government representatives to discuss innovations and challenges in sustainable mobility. There, Ronaldo Sandoval, director of EvolvX, shared a detailed report on the current state and future of sustainable mobility in the country.

In this regard, integrating sustainable mobility practices is important to achieve significant environmental, social, and economic benefits, where Brazil’s energy matrix was discussed.

To ensure electric mobility, a robust and integrated charging network is essential. In Brazil, the proportion of renewable and non-renewable sources is almost equal, although the country’s electricity matrix shows a large share of renewable sources, higher than in many other countries.


EvolvX: Growth of the Electric Vehicle Market

The report revealed data on the growth of the electric vehicle market, where in the first five months of the year, almost 70% more electrified light vehicles (hybrid, plug-in, and 100% electric) were sold compared to the same period last year.

In this context, compared to other countries in the region (Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Panama), the absolute numbers of these nations are lower compared to Brazil.

On the other hand, in charging infrastructure, the report highlighted that the federal units with the highest number of public charging points are São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Minas Gerais.

Finally, despite the high dependence on fossil fuels, the opportunities are endless in Brazil, especially in technology, job creation, and improving environmental quality.

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