FOTON Mexico Launches Innovative “Pickups and Vans” Division

FOTON Mexico launched its Passengers division in 2023, from which the innovative Pickups and Vans department will be led by Daniel Lagunas, who will serve as Divisional Director and report to Francisco Chávez, FOTON’s Commercial Director.

Lagunas joins the company with a solid experience of more than 15 years in the industry, participating in product development and the implementation of new strategies in the area.

“His focus on innovation and development of new technologies aligns perfectly with the growth of the division and the brand,” FOTON details in an official statement.

Daniel Lagunas, director of Pickups and Vans

Related content: LDR Solutions Represents FOTON’s High Technology in Mexico

Great Sustainable Strategy

FOTON Mexico continues to advance in its commitment to provide high quality vehicles and reliable mobility solutions to its customers, which is why Lagunas joins at an important time when the brand seeks to strengthen and expand excellence and continuous improvement in its product portfolio with Pickups and Vans.

The models that enter this new division are the Vanes View CS2, Hi-Van (in its passenger and panel versions), and the most avant-garde line, the FOTON Pickup called Tunland of which the E5 model is already marketed and in April the G9 and G7 Tunland V versions will be launched, as well as the Mini Truck called Truck Mate.

These vehicles offer optimum performance, superior safety features, improved functionality and affordability for customers, making them the best allies in mobility.

In addition, the Pickups and Vans division will have an exclusive network of distributors aimed more at the automotive segment.

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