Keko Latam Forges B2B Technological Solution for Arval in Latin America

To manage its operations in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Peru, Arval chose Keko Latam as its technological partner to create Arval Carsharing, a platform for shared and sustainable mobility.

This initiative will enable Arval to manage a fleet of over 30,000 vehicles in these four countries. To achieve this, KEKO developed an application based on principles similar to those of carsharing but with customized features.

Thus, Arval will be able to offer its users the possibility of enjoying shared mobility. Through this application, users can easily access a car from their phone and manage reservations from anywhere and at any time.

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(Source: Arval)

Arval’s Vision

For Arval, this implies cost reduction through increased productivity by optimizing its fleet in real time through efficient unit allocation or reallocation.

Furthermore, it enhances safety for users and companies through the use of telemetry with speed parameterization and restriction, alerts for seatbelt usage, and proper management of infractions and accidents.

It also ensures the validation of required driving documentation through biometric data verification, providing legal backup.

Lastly, this technology is scalable, applicable, and compatible with any vehicle brand, allowing for the management of an unlimited number of users assigned to each unit.

Ultimately, all of this aligns with Arval’s vision as a company specialized in full-service mobility and vehicle renting, offering comprehensive solutions to optimize employee mobility and externalize risks associated with fleet management.

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