Mexico Reports 2 Million Tons of Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Mexico’s Ministry of Environment (Sedema) reported that through the Environmental and Climate Change Program (PACC), implemented since 2019, an annual reduction of 2,169,765 tons of gases responsible for climate change has been achieved.

Such figure is equivalent to the suspension of circulation of 308,319 vehicles for a year, or it can also translate to all vehicles in Mexico City to stop circulating for 48.5 days and in the care and reforestation of 5,520,988 pine trees (Pinus ayacahuite) for a period of 50 years.

Thus, through this program, we are working to improve environmental conditions in all their facets, promoting resilience and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and compounds (GHG).

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México promueve el transporte limpio (Photo: Sedema)

Cleaner Transportation in Mexico

Importantly, as part of the integrated and sustainable mobility approach, access to and availability of an efficient, environmentally friendly and safe public transportation system is being expanded.

Thus, of the millions of tons eliminated, 157,105 correspond to the transportation sector, year by year since the PACC was implemented with a span comprised from 2019 to 2024.

The main objective is to improve air quality and, consequently, the health of the population. In addition, it seeks to recover public space to promote more sustainable mobility.

Finally, and at the same time, advanced technologies that contribute to the reduction of emissions responsible for climate change are adopted.

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