Mileto: The Company Revolutionizing Electric Motorcycles in Brazil

Mileto stands as a partner of the Electric Vehicle Association, which is transforming electric mobility in Brazil.

In less than a year of operations, the company has already established a presence in over 50 cities through three strategically located physical stores. Specifically, Mileto is located in Resende, São José dos Campos, and Volta Redonda.

Additionally, it serves more than 52 satellite cities, where the commitment to the environment is undeniable, having traveled over 400,000 km and achieving a reduction of 43 tons of carbon dioxide.


Related content: Eletra Electrifies Mass Transportation in Porto Alegre

In this regard, one of the products it offers is the Trix Tricycle, ideal for companies seeking operational efficiency and wanting to stand out in environmental terms.

With over 140 signed contracts, customers reduce costs and adopt a sustainable solution for urban mobility

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