Spain Unveils Plan to Mass Market Electric Cars

The Government of Spain has recently presented the final Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) to Brussels.

This plan projects an ambitious strategy to boost the transition towards a more sustainable energy model, highlighting the massive penetration of electric vehicles as one of its fundamental pillars.

In fact, it is estimated that PNIEC will reach price parity in light vehicles during the period 2025-2030.

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This means that electric vehicles will cost the same as conventional ones, eliminating the need for public subsidies to purchase these cars.

More details on the PNIEC

In the words of the plan itself: “in the period 2025-2030, it is estimated that price parity in light vehicles will be achieved, and public support such as non-repayable grants for vehicle purchases will no longer be necessary.”

This approach clearly reflects the vision of the Spanish Government that electric vehicle technology will naturally become more accessible, reducing the reliance on subsidies.

Nevertheless, the PNIEC will continue to support the installation of charging infrastructure and other measures to facilitate the energy transition.

The plan leaves no doubt: the future of mobility in Spain is firmly oriented towards electrification, and the market is expected to regulate itself as this technology continues to advance, as recently noted by ABC.