AVO I, Aleatica, Clipp, Kapsch, Ualabee and the Chilean Ministry of Transport Offer Perspectives on the Importance of Data in Smart Mobility

Data is a fundamental tool for governments and private companies to make decisions to improve the transportation system in cities and increase the efficiency of fleet operators.

In this sense, the “Latam Mobility: ConoSur 2023”, was the scene of the panel “The importance of data for the management of intelligent mobility”, in which representatives of the public and private sectors of the region participated.

Ana Claudia Contreras, General Manager of AVO I, explained that they are the most sustainable urban highway that has been implemented so far, where everyone can transit, enjoy gardens, cycling and the entire mobility ecosystem.

“Our mission is to serve people, to be a fast access road and to be able to give choices through data. “We are not suffering traffic jams, and the great proposal for the future is that through the communication system they can decide the route and know at the end of the month which road cost them less and safety issues,” she noted.

She assured that they seek to contribute significantly to reduce the carbon footprint, for which they use 100% renewable energy in the highway, and aim to have all vehicles electric.

Aleatica’s Scope

Juan Facuse Meléndez, Executive Director of Aleatica Chile, pointed out at the Latam Mobility meeting that they drive sustainable mobility from axes focused on environmental and social sustainability, with the aim of putting the user at the center and using technology to provide a better service.

“We have presence in 7 countries and around 20 concessions. Aleatica’s roads are used by 366 million vehicles a year,” he said. He highlighted that in Chile they have large investments where they incorporate data that place them as pioneers in information processing.

Aleatica’s size and regional focus make it an agile and reliable partner for communities that need smart, safe and sustainable long-term mobility solutions that drive growth.

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Facuse emphasized that they drive the development of technological projects for sustainable mobility and generate partnerships with organizations committed to environmental care.

panel “The importance of data for the management of intelligent mobility”

Kapsch’s Technology

Mauricio Peña, Vice President of Systems Engineering for Latin America at Kapsch TrafficCom, highlighted the company’s 30-year track record in the development of mobility solutions.

“We support concessionaires in traffic control, we offer innovative solutions such as sustainable tolling systems. These are key elements to improve people’s quality of life.”

He agreed with Facuse that the focus should be on the end user, which is why he considers it fundamental to develop and unify systems. “We need ecosystems that allow us to deliver information to users in real time,” concluded Peña.

Ualabee and Information Processing

Joaquín Di Mario, CEO of Ualabee, explained that the company specializes in collecting and processing information to present it to governments and companies, which works as a premise for decision making and investments.

Regarding the case of Santiago de Chile, the Ualabee executive pointed out that it is one of the cities with the most traffic in the region, which has a significant impact on the environment.

“There was no standardized data. We offer a solution that integrates routes and schedules of public transport, electromobility, in order to find the most efficient route, cut distances, costs, times and solve unforeseen events,” said Di Mario.

Clipp MaaS Platform

Bruno Valarezo, CEO of Clipp MaaS also had an outstanding participation in the “Latam Mobility: ConoSur 2023”, a scenario where he highlighted the company’s solutions and its contribution in data processing.

“We are working on the digitization of mobility. We have managed to digitize from cabs, public transport, scooters, bicycles,” said the executive, who stressed that digital platforms allow mobility to be conceived in a different way.

He specified that Clipp MaaS data processing, adds all the elements under a single platform “e-mobility as a service to bring them together and present them in an effective way.

“As a company, we seek to create the best travel experience for the user by finding different means, combining them, scheduling them and paying for them in the same application,” Valarezo said.

The Importance of the Public Sector

Pedro Vidal, Executive Secretary of the National Program of the Operational Unit of Traffic Control of the Chilean Ministry of Transport, emphasized the fundamental role of data in decision making.

He assured that data are a crucial part of planning to respond to users’ needs. He explained that the division he heads in the Ministry of Transport manages 11 control centers in different regions, with complete coverage in control centers.

Vidal stated that there are still many challenges facing mobility in terms of traffic measurement and efficiency, which is why he considers it is essential to generate public-private alliances that also include academia and civil society in order to have integrated data that will lead to better public policies.