Mexico Leads Electric Vehicle Sales in the Region

The electromobility market in Mexico continues to rise to lead Latin America in the sale of electric vehicles.

According to figures published by the National Auto Parts Industry, 6,000 electrified cars were sold in Mexico in 2022, a volume that positioned the country in first place in the sale of these units.

Brazil ranked second with 5,000 units, followed by Colombia and Chile, with 2,000 vehicles of this type each. In Mexico, sales of electric vehicles represent about 0.5 percent of the total.

The Mexican Structure

In a report published by El Economista, Manuel Montoya, President of the National Network of Automotive Clusters, said that “large Latin American cities do not have the same infrastructure as Mexican cities, which gives consumers the confidence to purchase an electric vehicle”.

However, he pointed out that the commercialization of these units in Mexico is still far away compared to European countries, where sales of electric vehicles represent between 20% and 30%.

Read also: Official Launch of AMIVE: The Association to Unite the Electromobility Ecosystem in Mexico

According to INA estimates, by 2026 Mexico will have sold 18,900 electric units, thus maintaining its leading position in Latin America, followed by Brazil, with a volume of 16,000 vehicles of this technology.

Photo: Getty Images

The Road Ahead

Recently, the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA) presented the study “Recommendations for a National Electromobility Policy in Mexico”, which highlights a series of key aspects to promote the decarbonization of transportation.

According to the association, the changes required for the rapid transition to electromobility in Mexico need to be driven by a joint strategy between the government, academia and industry in order to continue making progress in this area.

For the AMIA it is of utmost importance that there is a coordinated plan with the different actors of the ecosystem, so that efforts are added and go in the same direction.