China Donates Six Electric Buses to Costa Rica

China donated six new electric buses to Costa Rica to promote the adoption of clean energy technologies for transportation.

In this way, the Asian country intends to collaborate with the Costa Rican government’s goal to decarbonize its economy by 2050 and take better advantage of its great potential for electricity generation with renewable sources.

The Chinese Ambassador in San José, Tang Heng, was in charge of delivering the six units and highlighted this donation as another milestone in the history of cooperation and friendship between the two countries, while stressing the importance of promoting the use of cleaner technologies in transportation.

Photo: Prensa Latina

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How will they be used?

The buses will be sent to different parts of Costa Rica to be used on public transportation routes, in order to obtain and analyze information on their capabilities and advantages.

In this sense, the Vice President of Costa Rica, Stephan Brunner, assured that this donation from China contributes to a greater knowledge of electric transportation technologies in his country and to the protection of the environment.

Despite being one of the most advanced countries in the region, Costa Rica still has a high dependence on fossil fuels for transportation.

The President of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), Marco Acuña, commented that electric transportation will allow Costa Rica to take advantage of its renewable energy generation.

Costa Rica still has less than 10% of its vehicle fleet powered by electricity, so the authorities hope that this donation will be another step towards the massification of this type of transportation.