Peru Relies on Key Actors to Boost Sustainable Mobility

The Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao (ATU) is promoting a series of meetings with sectors related to public transport, clean technology bus manufacturers and civil society organizations in order to promote projects.

According to figures from the agency, 85% of the public transport fleet in Lima and Callao currently uses diesel fuel, while a small proportion of the vehicle fleet uses natural gas and electricity. Furthermore, 24% of the fleet is more than 20 years old and needs to be renewed.

Walter Córdova, Director of the ATU’s Urban Transport Integration and Collection Department, stated that collaboration between civil society, the State and the private sector is fundamental to find innovative and practical solutions that promote sustainable mobility.

Photo: El Comercio Perú

Work Plan

The ATU’s action plan contemplates projects which directly benefit the citizens, such as the promotion of Law 31596 which, through a fleet renewal scheme with clean technologies, seeks to promote the use of more sustainable and environmentally friendly means of transportation.

The official added that the extension of authorization between eight and 14 additional years are vital to encourage more operators to bet on clean energies.

 It should be noted that the ATU has also held meetings with transport operators to standardize operating processes for electronic collection, which will also serve to offer a better service to citizens.

The meetings seek a change of mentality towards a more technological, integrated, sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation style.