Blink Charging Highlights the Relevance of Installing Chargers in Hotels

Blink Charging, aware of the demand for EV charging points in destinations such as hotels, resorts and conference centers, offers a guide on the importance of having this equipment.

These places not only provide the convenience of charging the car, while resting, but are also becoming strategic destinations for EV drivers looking to integrate their charging needs with work or recreational activities. 

For Blink Charging, the installation of EV charging stations in hotels presents itself as a key solution to meet the demands of a growing user base and encourage more sustainable and convenient mobility. 

Related content: Blink Charging Highlights the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Emission Reduction

Benefits of Installing EV Charging Stations in Hotels

Making the stations available allows generating revenue by offering an additional service.

EV charging is a highly profitable additional service for hotels. By providing this convenience, hotels can diversify their revenue streams and take advantage of a new monetization opportunity.

For example, they can offer electric vehicle charging as a room-charged service, allowing guests to enjoy the convenience of charging their vehicles while enjoying their stay. 

Also, they can offer different payment methods, such as time-of-use rates or rates based on energy consumed.

This flexibility allows them to adapt to the preferences of guests with electric vehicles and maximize the profitability of the charging service.

Photo: Blink Charging

Attracting New Customers

Blink Charging highlights that by incorporating electric vehicle charging stations, hotels can attract EV drivers, a growing demographic with high purchasing power. This not only adds value to the establishment, but also positions it as a preferred destination for this emerging market.

Also, providing EV charging solutions as a service allows hotels to adapt to new markets and trends.

In addition, by having EV charging as a service, hotels can incentivize EV drivers to extend their stay.

Guests may be more inclined to stay longer at the hotel if they know they can conveniently and safely recharge their EVs during their stay.

Read the complete guide here

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