DHL orders 12 Alice Electric Aircraft from Eviation

The global logistics company DHL has taken a new step towards decarbonization and electromobility by ordering 12 100% electric aircraft, known as Alice, from Eviation.

With the acquisition, the German company will set the beginning of the first electric aviation network, which will initially operate in the United States, before expanding to Mexico and Panama, with red and yellow-colored units.

Weeks ago, DHL CEO Mike Parra announced plans to acquire electric aircraft to move the company towards becoming a net-zero delivery service.

DHL has not yet revealed the precise date of the first flight, but the aircraft is expected to take off at the end of 2021, as part of a major plan to significantly reduce its carbon emissions.

It is important to note that the Sustainability Policy developed by the logistics company includes a 7,000 million dollar investment over the next 10 years.

More About Alice

Aviation is the company responsible for creating Alice, which has been described as “the world’s first all-electric airliner”. It was founded by its CEO, Omer Bar-Yohay.

Alice planes are capable of carrying 2500 pounds of cargo, 9 passengers with an estimated speed of 815 km / h.

Charging time is probably one of its most attractive features, considering it can fly for 60 minutes after being connected for half an hour.

Thanks to the U.S. Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) boost, which have driven regulatory changes for decarbonization of the industry, Aviation has made significant progress in the development of its projects.