Spain to have “Green Friday” to Buy Electric Bicycles

This Friday is Black Friday, a tradition from the United States, but that has transcended worldwide with the aim of taking advantage of the dates from the commercial point of view.

In Spain, the City Council of Pamplona decided to make a significant reduction in the rental of shared electric bicycles with the aim of further promoting sustainable mobility in the city.

The campaign is called Green Friday, a date on which anyone wishing to purchase an annual subscription for this municipal service can do so at half price, as long as it is purchased between November 24 and December 1.

Read also: Sustainable Mobility in Spain Generates Around 300,000 Jobs

Rebate Figures

In the referred period, the authorities of Pamplona and the company Ride On Pamplona SL will offer discounts of 50%, so that the price will drop from 35 euros to 17.5 euros. The fare reduction applies to any person, regardless of age.

The electric bicycle rental service came into operation in January 2022 and has around 60,000 users who have made almost one million trips in almost two years.

Currently, the service has 42 bases and 400 bicycles, which will be expanded by 50% with 20 new bases and 240 bicycles through an investment of more than one million euros with European funding from the Next Generation EU funds through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) of the Government of Spain.

It is worth noting that 77% of Spaniards support a public bike-sharing service in their city to encourage its use as a sustainable means of transport, according to the monographic study Bicicleta compartida en España: oportunidades y retos para una movilidad urbana más sostenible, carried out by Fifteen and Ipsos.

The report concludes that the bicycle has become a common means of transport for 19% of the Spanish population, while 51% say they use it on occasion and 33% point to the fact of not having their own bike among the reasons for not getting around on it.

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