Sustainable Mobility in Spain Generates Around 300,000 Jobs

The transition to sustainable mobility is key in the fight against climate change, but it is also proving to be a significant source of job creation in Spain.

According to the study “The Drive for Zero Emissions Mobility: A Great Opportunity to Decarbonize Transport and Generate Economic Activity and Employment,” conducted by the 1º de Mayo Foundation, sustainable mobility employs around 300,000 people across the country, according to official data from the National Institute of Statistics.

In first place, urban rail transport services generate 66,483 jobs, one of the main drivers of employment in the sustainable mobility sector. This is followed by urban and suburban land transport with 53,163 jobs, another important source of employment.

Related content: Spain: Basque Parliament Approves Sustainable Mobility Law

More Job-Generating Sources in Spain

The list of means of transport is joined by intercity bus transport with 51,364 jobs, where the electrification of fleets and improvements in energy efficiency are transforming the way in which people travel between Spanish cities.

Cabs appear in a smaller proportion with 80,000 jobs, experiencing a transition to zero-emission vehicles, and finally, the use of bicycles and carsharing (carpooling) generates 600 jobs, being the beginning or boost of the growing awareness of greener transport alternatives.

Source: Fundación 1º de Mayo

“Hundreds of companies and thousands of working people completing a transport that is and will be responsible, to a large extent, for helping to meet the great challenges of current and future mobility. The goal is to achieve mobility that generates fewer emissions, and that is more efficient, safer, healthier and more inclusive,” states part of the report.

“There is no doubt that the achievement of a sustainable mobility model, low in emissions, is not only an imperative to the great challenge of the fight against climate change, but also a great opportunity to improve employment levels and the productive and competitive capacity of the Spanish State”, concludes the report.

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