Survey: Four Out of 10 Mexicans Are Willing to Buy Electric Cars

The path towards electromobility is consistently paving the way, overcoming the difficulties that arise along the way.

In a survey conducted by Google and Kantar, reported by Forbes, four out of 10 Mexicans would buy an electric car because of the promotion of renewable energies and noise reduction.

Likewise, 3 out of 10 would choose a new technology car for its low emissions, while 3 out of 10 would buy it only for its new technology or for the variety of models.

In the first quarter of the year, 349,752 automobiles were sold in Mexico, of which only 25,898 were new technology cars, equivalent to 7.4% of total new vehicle sales in the country, according to official figures.

Read also: Mexico Records 60% Increase in Electric Vehicle Sales


Juan Carlos Larios, Automotive Manager at Google Mexico, explained that out of every 100 people who intended to buy a new technology car, only 1.5 actually bought it.

When buyers of new units were asked about their concerns regarding electric cars, the main answer was price, since 3 out of 10 considered that cars with this technology are expensive.

Likewise, the concerns of the rest of the car buyers were divided between the low availability of charging stations, the lack of renewable energy, and doubts as to whether this new technology is sufficiently ready.

Coches eléctricos

Latam Mobility in Mexico

After a successful start to the year in Monterrey, Latam Mobility, the largest sustainable mobility community in Latin America, closes 2024 in Mexico City.

There will be two days, on October 15 and 16, where industry leaders and private sector representatives will provide perspectives on mobility, electromobility, sustainability, among others.

The meeting will be held at the World Trade Center in Mexico City. For participation information click here.