Vitesco Technologies Prepares with High-Tech for Electromobility Transition

Vitesco Technologies held its “TechDay: Driving the Future of Electromobility” event. At the meeting, experts from the company and the industry analyzed the electromobility landscape and the talent needed for its development.

The forum was attended by representatives of the main universities and educational institutions of Jalisco, Mexico City and Yucatan, which train future professionals in the electromobility industry.

Antonio Rodriguez, Director of Vitesco Technologies Mexico, explained that the response to the challenges of the accelerated development of electromobility has been to adapt to the transition and ensure that the company’s talent evolves at the pace of the industry’s needs.

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Vitesco Technologies
Vitesco Technologies

“We train our male and female engineers not only in technical aspects of electromobility, but also in leadership to manage complex projects,” he said.

“It is crucial to establish strategic relationships with universities and industry chambers, which are key allies in this transition,” the Vitesco executive added.

The company is preparing for a transition to electric mobility, taking into account that it is expected that by 2030, 80% of vehicles will be electric or hybrid; which will require personnel prepared to face the transformation and demand of the automotive industry in the coming years.

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